5 incredible health benefits of drinking apple juice in the morning

Health Benefits of Apple Juice: ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ is a popular saying and it reflects the incredible health benefits of an apple for the human body. But not everyone likes to eat apples, which is why some people prefer to drink apple juice instead of eating apples. When apples are juiced, their hydrating quality is increased and some of the plant compounds are retained. Drinking apple juice in the morning when you don’t have time to prepare a nutritious breakfast is a healthy hack. Here are five surprising benefits of drinking apple juice every morning.

Watch the video below to know about ways to use apple for skin:

Health Benefits of Apple Juice

1. Hydration

Apple juice fills the body with hydration as it contains about 88% water. It is very easy to drink, especially for sick people. According to WebMD, one medium apple has about 80 calories, 1 gram of protein, 19 grams of natural sugar and zero fat, sodium or cholesterol.

Apple juice is an incredible source of healthy nutrients (Image credit: Canva)

2. Improves memory

Apples contain higher amounts of the plant pigment quercetin than most other fruits and vegetables. WebMD says this plant-derived chemical called flavonoid protects cells throughout your body, including your brain. These fruits also contain high amounts of antioxidants that can help compensate for memory loss caused by various types of damage to your cells.

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3. Weight Management

Apple juice enriches the body with water content and essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein and others which make you feel full and curb hunger. This helps prevent you from eating excess calories, which is one of the main contributors to weight gain.

4. Gut Health

According to WebMD, apple juice is a natural source of pectin, a soluble fiber that moves food through your digestive system and keeps you regular. Good gut bacteria feed on pectin and it helps the good bacteria to grow, which may help ward off some chronic diseases and cancer in the gut.

Drinking apple juice with breakfast in the morning is a healthy habit (Image credit: Canva)

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5. Heart Health

Apple juice is associated with a healthy heart of a person. The presence of plant chemicals, fiber and pectin in apple juice helps protect blood vessel cells from damage and promote heart health. Additionally, the pectin and fiber present in apple juice potentially reduce bad cholesterol that builds up in the arteries and causes heart diseases.

(Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.)

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