published, 2023-10-07T20:00:44
Updates, 2023-10-07T20:00:58
A Modern Warfare 3 player encounters a ridiculous bug during execution, forcing both players into an awkward standoff.
Modern Warfare 3’s early access beta is in full swing, plunging players into the next iteration of the shooter. Whether it’s the return of old maps like Highrise or Favela or the rage-inducing “Battle Rage”, there’s a lot to experience in MW3’s beta.
One player discovered something new while playing the beta, although their experience was likely unintentional.
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An unexpected bug during the execution turns an easy kill into a comical series of events, leaving both players dead.
Modern Warfare 3 execution bug turns an easy kill into a stalemate
The execution system has created a lot of memorable moments since it was introduced in 2019’s Modern Warfare. Lots of videos and clips show how weird the animations can be, allowing players to break down the animation with little explanation.
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latest execution crash occurs MW3 Player During a match of Ground War. Creeping up behind an enemy and triggering the execution forces both players into an awkward standoff, where both members die after a strange “Tea Pose” encounter.
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While rare, this experience has been documented before, as numerous executions have ended in this strange standoff. More players are sure to experience this, so do your best to avoid the close-quarters execution above in the beta if you want an efficient kill on your opponent.
As comical as it may be, hopefully Sledgehammer Games can eliminate this bug to prevent it from happening again and again and ruining the satisfaction that comes with execution.
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The Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 beta is now live for PS5 players, and the full game will release on November 10th.