Publication Type : Journal article
Publisher : Journal of Supercomputing
Source : Journal of Supercomputing, 1-32
premises : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2024
abstract : The proposed work combines existing one-dimensional chaos maps to form a new two-dimensional logistic cascade map (2D LCM) to generate better chaotic behavior. The system integrates novel column scrambling and a modified 2D LCM map to enhance the security of the encryption process. The color image components of the plain text are permuted using the column scrambling method to remove adjacent pixel correlation during confusion. Afterwards, the modified 2D LCM map was used for key stream generation and encryption. The key space, entropy, correlation, NPCR, UACI, and PSNR values for a single iteration round are 2449, 7.99, − 0.0003, 33.4, 99.6, and 7.6451 dB, respectively. Moreover, the scheme time complexity (TC) is O(6 × M × N), with a total computation time of 1.54 seconds. In addition, the resistance of the suggested method to key space, statistical attack, differential attack, and computation time is compared with existing standard chaos-based encryption algorithms, and it is determined that it has good resistance and is suitable for secure data transfer.
Cite this research publication: P Mathivanan, P Maran, Color image encryption based on novel column scrambling and modified 2D logistic cascade map (2D LCM), The Journal of Supercomputing, 1-32