New Delhi: DMK MP S Jagathrachkan was slapped on Wednesday. Penalty 908 crore in a case related to violation of Rs Foreign Exchange Laws. gave Enforcement Directorate The statement said that properties worth Rs 89.19 crore seized in September 2020 have been confiscated following a ruling under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) issued on August 26.
The federal agency acted on a complaint initiated by a businessman from Tamil Nadu.
As a result of the investigation, on 11 September 2020, several movable and immovable properties of DMK MPS Jagathrachkan and his family members were ordered to be attached under Section 37A of FEMA. The value of these properties is Rs 89.19 crore.
It said that this investigation led to a seizure order dated September 11, 2020 under Section 37A of FEMA for various movable and immovable properties in the name of the MP and his family members. The cost of which is Rs 89.19 crore.
“Properties worth Rs 89.19 crore which were seized under Section 37A of FEMA were also ordered to be confiscated, and a fine of Rs 908 crore was imposed vide court order dated 26/08/2024,” the ED said. done,” said ED.
The federal agency acted on a complaint initiated by a businessman from Tamil Nadu.
As a result of the investigation, on 11 September 2020, several movable and immovable properties of DMK MPS Jagathrachkan and his family members were ordered to be attached under Section 37A of FEMA. The value of these properties is Rs 89.19 crore.
It said that this investigation led to a seizure order dated September 11, 2020 under Section 37A of FEMA for various movable and immovable properties in the name of the MP and his family members. The cost of which is Rs 89.19 crore.
“Properties worth Rs 89.19 crore which were seized under Section 37A of FEMA were also ordered to be confiscated, and a fine of Rs 908 crore was imposed vide court order dated 26/08/2024,” the ED said. done,” said ED.