The Gautam Buddha Nagar health department on Monday issued a notification to prevent private laboratories from charging exorbitant fees from patients for dengue tests. Health officials said the maximum price for such a diagnostic test in the district is Rs 600.
This step has been taken in view of increasing cases of dengue and complaints of overcharging by private laboratories and hospitals.
Different laboratories in the city are charging different prices for the tests, causing a financial burden on patients and their families.
“The move is aimed at maintaining standardisation and quality in dengue testing in the district. All private laboratories have been directed to adhere to the fixed price. District malaria officer (DMO) Dr Shruti Kirti Verma said, “The limit set by the health department is Rs 600 and under no circumstances will more than this be charged.”
According to information received from the District Health Department, so far this year, 11 cases of dengue and 35 cases of malaria have been reported in the district.
According to the health department, various tests are conducted to detect the presence of dengue virus in a patient, including NS1 (non-structural protein 1) antigen test, IgM antibody test, IgG antibody test, dengue PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test, complete blood count (CBC), etc.
Private diagnostic labs charge anywhere 300 more Officials said a fee of Rs 3,000 would be charged for such tests.
“The aim of fixing the price of the test is to prevent private laboratories and hospitals from taking advantage of the vulnerability of patients during the current dengue season. The move is part of the government's efforts to make healthcare more accessible and affordable to all,” the DMO said.
Officials said there are around 150-200 private diagnostic labs in Gautam Buddh Nagar district — around 100 in Noida, 30-40 in Greater Noida and the rest in other parts of the district.
According to the health department, 974 dengue cases were reported from across the district in 2023, 468 cases in 2022 and 637 cases in 2021.
Earlier this month, the department had issued notices to 31 establishments, mostly private residences, after mosquito larvae were found in their premises.