The Malayalam film industry, also known as Mollywood, has been in the news ever since the Justice Hema Committee report came out. Actor-producer Siddique, known for films such as Drishyam and 2018, on Monday filed a complaint against an actress after she accused him of sexual harassment.
His complaint has been submitted to the Kerala Director General of Police. Not only this, Malayalam actor Shammi Thilakan also targeted Mollywood superstar Mohanlal, who is also the president of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA).
He said Mohanlal had “lost his ability to respond” since the allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced. The Justice Hema Committee report included testimony from several women from the industry.
It also mentions girls instead of women in some places, which means that minors can also be victims of sexual harassment. The report also details the lack of basic facilities like changing rooms and toilets for women.
Sexual abuse allegations in Malayalam film industry – 10 key things to know
- A young actress had accused Siddiqui of raping her in 2016. She also said that when the actor first approached her, he called her 'moli' or daughter.
- The young actress told the Indian Express that she was tired of repeatedly explaining what happened to her. She claimed that she first met Siddiqui online when they exchanged messages and he allegedly promised her a role in an upcoming film if she met him in person.
- She claimed that they met at a hotel in Thiruvananthapuram, where he allegedly asked her if she could make 'some adjustments' for him. The woman further said that Siddiqui allegedly raped her in the hotel room and masturbated in front of her.
- Actor Shammi Thilakan said the accused will face the consequences and that he too is living in fear.
- He said the Hema Committee report provides evidence of the existence of a 'Shakti Group' and added that those forming part of this group can be identified on the basis of this report.
- Malayalam Ranjith resigned from the post of Kerala Chalachitra Academy chairman while Siddique resigned from the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA). Ranjith's resignation comes after a Bengali actor levelled allegations of misconduct against him.
- The Kerala High Court has directed the Pinarayi Vijayan-led state government to submit a statement along with the full report before the court in a sealed envelope by September 10.
- The Justice Hema Committee was formed in November 2017, a few months after a Malayalam actor was allegedly abducted by five men and assaulted in a moving car.
- The men made a video of the assault and left it there, following which the actress lodged a police complaint. Malayalam actor Dileep was accused of conspiring with other men to 'teach her a lesson'.
- The Justice Hema Committee comprised former High Court judge Justice Hema, senior actor Sharada and retired IAS officer KB Valsa Kumari.