Kangana Ranaut has reportedly bought a new house Office Location In Mumbai Andheri The news comes at a time when some have claimed violence has erupted in the region, according to recent reports. emergency actress Kangana Ranaut is selling her big bungalow in Bandra. The office space has been bought for around Rs 1.56 crore, although Kangana has not yet commented on these reports.
according to the report, Property Registration Documents Information accessed by Propstack shows that Kangana has bought the office on the 19th floor of a building called Ark OneThe office space was sold at a carpet rate of Rs 38,391 per sq ft. The deal was struck on August 23, with Kangana paying Rs 10,000. stamp duty Its price is Rs 9.37 lakh and registration fee is Rs 30,000.
This new purchase comes after reports that Kangana had Bandra Bungalow The property is up for sale for Rs 40 crore. The rumour spread earlier this month when a YouTube channel called Code Estate shared a video stating that a production house's office was up for sale. Though the video did not directly mention Kangana, the pictures and visuals led many viewers to believe it was her property.
according to the report, Property Registration Documents Information accessed by Propstack shows that Kangana has bought the office on the 19th floor of a building called Ark OneThe office space was sold at a carpet rate of Rs 38,391 per sq ft. The deal was struck on August 23, with Kangana paying Rs 10,000. stamp duty Its price is Rs 9.37 lakh and registration fee is Rs 30,000.
This new purchase comes after reports that Kangana had Bandra Bungalow The property is up for sale for Rs 40 crore. The rumour spread earlier this month when a YouTube channel called Code Estate shared a video stating that a production house's office was up for sale. Though the video did not directly mention Kangana, the pictures and visuals led many viewers to believe it was her property.
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The bungalow in Bandra is said to be built on a 285 sq m plot with a built-up area of 3,042 sq ft and includes an additional parking space of 500 sq ft. The two-storey building is reportedly worth Rs 40 crore. Kangana has not yet commented on these reports.
Meanwhile, Kangana is gearing up for the release of her upcoming film Emergency, in which she plays the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The film also stars Milind Soman, Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Mahima Chaudhry and the late Satish Kaushik among others.