The group of SUV owners is becoming quite popular in the country. Many of them organize road trips and even off-road adventures. Off-roading is still not very popular among SUV owners in India, and only a very small section of owners actually know the true potential of their vehicle. There are many videos online where 4×4 SUVs are performing well on off-road tracks and terrains. Maruti Jimny is the newest model on the block and people are posting a lot of off-road videos with this SUV. Here, we have a video of a Maruti Jimny and a Toyota Fortuner going off-roading.
The video has been uploaded by Small Town Rider on his YouTube channel. In this video, the vlogger and his friend take their Maruti Jimny to an off-road location with a Toyota Fortuner. The vlogger really wanted to make a short video of his Jimny with the Fortuner, and that’s why he decided to take the cars off-road. The Toyota Fortuner was equipped with BF Goodrich off-road spec tyres, and the Jimny has stock tyres.
Both the SUVs are taken to the river bank, which is their usual location. The vlogger mentions in the video that this is not a comparison; He just wanted to see how both the SUVs behaved in a particular off-road situation. They passed through the loose sand on the river bed without any problems. The Fortuner driver didn’t even engage 4×4 for the most part. After reaching the first obstacle, the vlogger and his friends checked out the track and then came back inside.
The vlogger was driving a Jimny and initially he did not drive a 4×4. It was a climb with loose sand on the track. It maintained momentum and almost managed to climb to the top. However, the last section was a bit steep, and the loose sand wasn’t helping here. So, the driver moved the car back a few inches and then engaged 4H. After this the SUV went up easily.
After this it was the turn of Toyota Fortuner. Like the Jimny, the Fortuner driver also tried to climb into 2WD. However, the car was not able to climb and was getting stuck in the sand. The driver started the 4×4, and the Fortuner also went uphill with ease. After this obstacle, they went to a slope where they had to go down through a narrow path. This was difficult for the Fortuner as it is much wider than the Jimny.
Maruti Jimny was the first to fall. The vlogger brought down the car easily. After getting timely instructions from the spotter, the Fortuner also managed to go down. The initial plan was to go down and climb up the same route; However, the track was too narrow and was destroyed in the rain. Both the Jimny and the Fortuner would have been damaged if the cars were pushed to the limit on this obstacle. The vlogger and his friends left the river bank because it was about to rain. River beds commonly experience flash flooding, which can be dangerous. To avoid getting stuck in such a situation, they simply left from there. Both Jimny and Fortuner performed well. The Jimny was light and had an advantage on the track.