A recent study adds new insight to the debate about highly processed and minimally processed foods. It suggests we should rethink our approach. Instead of looking only at how processed our food is, we should pay attention to what type of food we eat.
This enlightening study was conducted by the prestigious USDA-ARS Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center.
A team of passionate scientists, led by Dr. Julie Hayes, worked hard to challenge our current beliefs about food processing.
Minimally vs. Ultra-Processed Foods
The researchers compared two diets that reflect typical Western consumption.
One included minimally processed foods, while the other included ultra-processed foods, as defined by the NOVA classification system.
Surprisingly, the least processed diet was more than twice as expensive. It also had a shorter shelf life. Moreover, it did not have any added nutritional value.
“This study shows that it's possible to eat a low-quality diet even when choosing minimally processed foods,” Hayes said.
“This also suggests that more processed and less processed diets may be equally nutritious (or non-nutritious), but more processed diets may have a longer shelf life and be less expensive.
twist in the tale
Mark Messina, Ph.D., director of nutrition science and research at Soy Nutrition Institute Global, is scheduled to present these important findings at Nutrition 2024.
The study builds on their earlier work, which revealed that high-quality menus consistent with dietary guidelines may consist primarily of ultra-processed foods.
This time, the scientists flipped the question, asking, “Could a low-quality menu consist mostly of 'ordinary' foods?”
reality check
The researchers designed a less processed menu that came with 20% of calories from ultra-processed foods. On the other hand, the more processed menu had 67% of energy coming from ultra-processed foods.
Both menus scored around 43-44 on the Healthy Eating Index, which is regrettable and reflects inadequate adherence to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
The less processed menu cost consumers $34.87 per person per day, while the more processed menu cost them $13.53 per person per day.
There was also a large variation in the average expiration times for less processed and more processed menu items, which were 35 days and 120 days, respectively.
Understanding Minimally Processed Foods
Julie Hayes emphasizes that nutrient-rich packaged foods, including unsweetened applesauce, ultra-filtered milk, liquid egg whites, and some brands of raisins and canned tomatoes, can be classified as ultra-processed.
“The results of this study indicate that creating a nutritious diet involves much more than food processing as defined by NOVA. The concepts of 'ultra-processed' foods and 'low-processed' foods need to be better defined by the nutrition research community,” they concluded.
This study serves as a warning, encouraging a holistic approach that goes beyond considering food processing levels, including minimally processed foods, and examines the nature of the foods we consume.
Impact on public health policies
The findings of this study could change public health policies and nutrition guidelines. Current advice favors minimally processed foods.
This research shows that focusing only on processing levels may not provide a complete picture of diet quality.
Public health officials may need to reconsider their recommendations. Some ultra-processed foods may be healthier and offer benefits such as cost savings and longer shelf life. Policies should promote nutrient-rich foods, regardless of their level of processing.
Attitude to nutrition
This study highlights the need for a personalized approach to nutrition. Instead of avoiding highly processed foods altogether, focus on incorporating nutrient-rich options.
This way, you can balance your diet according to your individual needs.
Consider factors such as affordability, convenience and individual dietary needs. Nutritionists can provide customized advice based on each individual's situation.
This approach could lead to better and more effective nutrition strategies, leading to improved public health outcomes.
Implications of minimally processed foods
One main thing is that people need to be educated about nutrition. We need awareness campaigns and educational programs to inform people about food processing and its health effects.
When people have the right nutritional information, they will be able to make better dietary choices. Schools, community centers, and healthcare providers can help spread this knowledge effectively. By working together, we can help everyone make healthy food choices.
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