The Union Ministry of Animal Husbandry and Dairying has removed the social media post which said that rabies infection results in mild fever, restlessness and headache.
The tweet was removed after several people and organizations commented that the ministry was taking a “non-serious” approach towards a deadly disease. Sources indicated that the ministry may investigate how the video was posted on social media platform X from its official handle.
Many people reacted to the comment saying that the number of deaths due to rabies has increased in the country and the population of stray animals has also increased. He demanded that the ministry review the animal birth control rules so that the stray dog population can be managed scientifically. Ministry officials declined to comment on the matter, but said rabies is a fatal disease.
The World Health Organization recently said that 36% of rabies deaths worldwide occur in India. “The true burden of rabies in India is not fully known; However as per available information, it causes 18,000-20,000 deaths every year. “About 30-60% of rabies cases and deaths in India occur in children under 15 years of age as bite cases in children often go undiagnosed and unreported,” WHO had said.
Activists commenting on the government’s social media posts urged the ministry not to take diseases like rabies lightly and demanded effective measures to deal with the situation.
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