Tamil Nadu Health Minister M.A. Subramaniam (right) inspects MP Oaks isolation ward at RGGGH, Chennai on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. Photo credit: Special Arrangements
The Tamil Nadu Health Department has set up isolation wards for MP-Ox in four government medical college hospitals in Chennai, Madurai, Tiruchi and Coimbatore, and is training doctors in the treatment and management of MP-Ox.
After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Mpox as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, the state government stepped up surveillance measures at the international airports of Chennai, Tiruchi, Coimbatore and Madurai, the minister said. Health MA. Subramaniam said this shortly after inaugurating the isolation ward at the Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital (RGGGH) on Tuesday (August 27, 2024).
He added that while cases of MPOX were being reported from several countries, India had not reported any.
Mr. Subramaniam said that as a precautionary measure, isolation wards for MPOs had been set up in government medical college hospitals in four cities – RGGGH in Chennai, Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital. , Tiruchi, and Coimbatore Medical College Hospitals. .
Two isolation wards have been set up in RGGGH with five beds for men and five for women. These are negative pressure wards that can prevent contamination and transmission of infectious diseases to other parts of the hospital. Teams of doctors have also been deployed in all four hospitals.
If a passenger is found with symptoms at airports or a person with a travel history is found to have symptoms at home, steps are taken to bring them to isolation wards and treat them immediately. Additionally, around 200 doctors are being trained in the treatment and management of MPOX through a workshop at RGGGH.
The Minister said that efforts have been started to monitor passengers traveling from around 116 countries. Passengers traveling on direct and connecting flights from African countries are being monitored continuously. A large-scale fever screening system has been implemented at all international airports, while awareness about MPOX is also being spread through digital boards at the airports. He added that surveillance measures are being taken at both Chennai and Thoothukudi ports.
Preparation for dengue
Talking about the prevalence of dengue in the state, the minister said cases may increase from October to December when the northeast monsoon sets in. Awareness about water stagnation which can lead to mosquito breeding and role and responsibilities of local bodies were discussed. Necessary, said Mr. Subramaniam. In this regard, a meeting with district level officers of urban and rural local bodies and health department will be held on 2 September 2024 in Chennai.
Chennai Mayor R Priya and RGGGH Dean E Thiranirajan were present at the inauguration of the isolation ward at RGGGH, Chennai.