After conducting a ‘post-disaster needs assessment’ in the remaining affected area of Joshimuth region of Uttarakhand by government agencies, the report recommended that if the affected households do not have valid land ownership documents or if the buildings Financial assistance should be provided if it is occupied illegally. The report further recommends that new construction work be banned in the entire Joshi Mutt area till the end of the coming monsoon.
“No financial assistance will be provided to these buildings due to illegal encroachment and/or if the HH (household) does not have valid land ownership documents. By the end of the coming monsoon, new “There should be a total ban on construction. After re-evaluating ground conditions after monsoon, some relaxation on new construction with prefab light structures in relatively protected areas may be considered,” the report said. .
The assessment was conducted from April 22 to 25 by a 35-member team of professionals from the National Disaster Management Authority, United Nations agencies, Central Building Research Institute, National Institute of Disaster Management and other agencies. The study was conducted after several buildings in the region began to develop large cracks due to landslides in January, displacing 355 families.
The report focuses on the importance of proper documentation and compliance with building regulations in post-occupancy rehabilitation efforts. However, it obtained some relaxation on new construction with prefab light structures in relatively protected areas.
Retrofitting of old buildings may be permitted. Single-story public buildings with prefab lightweight structures may be permitted for emergency services only.
The report also said that the first and foremost step would be to officially inform the people of Joshi Mutt about the unprotected areas of the town, where no new buildings can be constructed.
The agencies further emphasized on developing a feasible plan for making Joshi Mutt a safe and resilient area for the next 10 to 15 years.
Since it was reported in the 1970s, sustenance has been a problem in the area. The town is located on seismic zone V and is also prone to landslides and flash floods.
A 1978 report recommended against major construction work in this region and in the Niti and Mana valleys because these areas are located on large masses of rock, sediment and soil deposited by glaciers.