Noida: Poor electricity facilities for Bahlulpur near Sector 63

NOIDA: Rusty, broken poles, burnt transformers and exposed wires are a common sight. BahlulpurA village near Urban Sector 63. According to villagers, there has been no electricity infrastructure work since 2013. All equipment, such as transformers, poles and cables, are old, loose, and in need of repair or replacement.
“An electric pole in street number 27 of Bahlulpur has rusted so badly that it has cracked and fallen on the wall of the adjoining house and all the wires are hanging dangerously on the walls of the house. Several such poles in the village. are which could lead to an accident, yet the electricity department has not done anything to replace them,” said Sonu Yadav, a resident of the village.
It has been a decade since any infrastructure repair or equipment maintenance in the village. As a result, wires are all frayed, transformers are often burned by sparks, and even loose wires are often broken,” he said.
Despite a registered population of 12,000, the village is home to about one hundred thousand people, most of whom are migrant workers who rent houses and work in neighboring industries. “Incidents of unauthorized extension of balconies with overhead cables and electricity connection to poles are high in the village. There is no check by the electricity department even for issues like overloading and power cuts to authorized residents. have to face,” Yadav added.
Last month, a power line snapped in one street while in another, cables and transformers caught fire. No one was injured. However, parts of the burning cable fell on the road. Repairs were made the next day, during an 8-hour shutdown. “Another village adjacent to industrial areas is facing similar problems like overloading, earthing and rampant voltage fluctuations along with regular power cuts,” said Rajkumar Singh, another resident of the village. said Rajkumar Singh, another resident of
Shivam Tripathi, executive engineer, area in-charge of Pushchimanchal Vidyut Vatran Nigam Limited, told TOI that repair and maintenance work has started in Sector 63 and is progressing in a phased manner. Later, by Thursday evening, Tripathi deployed a team to repair the broken pole and loose wires at the house adjacent to the pole in street number 27 of the village.
Locals demand new line connections, ramp-up of transformers, new connections to regularize unauthorized load from power lines on poles, replacement of old ones. Electric polesCables and Feeders etc

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