The rally was attended by more than 1,000 Palestine supporters, who chanted “Resistance is justified when people are occupied” – highlighting differences of opinion over how progressive members responded to the attacks.
Mainstream Democrats were quick to say anything less than explicit support for Israel.
“NYC-DSA is exposing itself for what it really is: an anti-Semitic stain on the soul of America’s largest city,” said Bronx Rep. Richie Torres. written on x, “There is a special place in hell for those who glorify the brutal murder of civilians and children.”
Members of “The Squad”, which includes members of the Democratic Socialists and who have long supported the Palestinians, were attacked by Republicans and some members of their party for not paying attention to Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks. .
“.@AOC do you agree with these lunatics?” Hudson Valley GOP Rep. mike lawlerIn whose district there is a large Jewish population, written on x, formerly known as Twitter. “Is yesterday’s terrorist attack carried out by Hamas and sponsored by Iran Israel’s fault? If you don’t agree with it then you should condemn it.”
The rally puts additional pressure on Ocasio-Cortez, Bowman and other New York Democratic socialists in the City Council and state Legislature who represent a region that is home to the largest population of Jews anywhere outside Israel.
America’s New York Democratic Socialist National Organization has its largest chapter, but it was not seen organizing the rally. No prominent DSA members were seen present.
the party said The purpose of the rally was to show “In solidarity with the Palestinian people and their right to protest 75 years of occupation and apartheid.”
But other House Democrats condemned his message.
“Hamas terrorists killed hundreds of Israeli civilians, including women and children. They took dozens of people hostage, including Holocaust survivors and American citizens,” Hudson Valley Democratic Rep. pat ryan written on x,
“Knowing all this, and choosing to protest in New York City, home to the largest Jewish population in the United States, is blatant anti-Semitism.”
A pro-Israel rally was later held in support of the Palestinians.
Some DSA members in Congress sought to draw a fine line between defeating Hamas and maintaining its stance against Israel’s aggression.
Bowman condemned the violence but did not call for a ceasefire and noted Palestinians’ protests against Israel’s 16-year-old hold on Gaza.
“We need a way to end this deadly violence that is killing and traumatizing generations of Israelis and Palestinians – including the blockade of Gaza,” he said in a statement.
“I have been to the Gaza border and know that Israelis and Palestinians live in constant fear. We must work harder to ensure peace in the region.”
Representative Cori Bush, (D-Mo.), a Democratic socialist, was more critical of Israel than some of her colleagues.
“As part of achieving a just and lasting peace, we must do our part to stop this violence and trauma by ending the US government’s support for the Israeli military occupation and apartheid.” He said in a statement.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams said the NYPD would monitor the rallies.
“Anyone has a right to protest, even though I completely disagree with any form of celebrating such a horrific event,” Adams, a Democrat, said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
“But we are going to monitor to make sure that people do it peacefully. “I’m sure they will also be pro-Israel organizers and we will make sure people follow the law.”
The Times Square protest was organized by the ANSWER Coalition, the Palestinian Youth Movement and other groups.
The group began in Times Square where they were met by dozens of pro-Israel protesters, but then marched east to the Israeli Consulate General, where a concurrent rally in support of Israel was taking place.
More than 100 NYPD officers and NYC personnel were coordinating marches on the scene and setting up barricades.
The NYPD barricaded the scene, about a block away from the Consulate, preventing a clash between the two groups.
About two dozen Israeli protesters gathered in the street, waving Israeli flags and accusing the group of terrorism.
At one point, a woman ran toward the Palestinian side, but was stopped by the NYPD.
Eugene Puryear, who helped organize the event on behalf of the ANSWER coalition, said the absence of NY-DSA politicians from the event was telling.
“I think ultimately the only reason you’re not here is because you want to stand on the opposite side of justice,” Puryear said. “Anyone who wants to be here has to be someone who wants to stand up for justice.”
More than 600 people were killed in Israel, while officials in Gaza said 313 people were killed in the area. Israel’s government officially declared war on Sunday, and the country’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said the country’s most “challenging days are ahead of us.”