Tomorrow is a big day for Tollywood as Nani's much-awaited action drama Saripodha Saanivaram hits the big screens. The big releases on Independence Day disappointed, and hence, the industry had high hopes on Vivek Athreya's directorial. The hype has been built up well with a well-cut trailer and the team has done everything in their power to bring the film closer to the audiences through aggressive promotions. Advance bookings in the USA have already crossed the $300K mark.
Bookings started off well in Hyderabad too, but unfortunately, the film ran into an unexpected problem. All shows at the PVR-INOX chain in Hyderabad were cancelled last night for unknown reasons. The problem came as a shock to fans, who sought clarification from the production house.
As soon as the issue came up, co-producer Kalyan Dasari assured that the team has already taken care of the issue and said that fans don't have to worry about it. At the moment, the advance amount in the national series has not started yet, and fans are very worried as time is passing by. It seems that the issue is not limited to Hyderabad only. Bookings have not started in these national series in other parts of Telugu states as well.
As per reports, Saripodha Sanivaram had grossed around Rs 50 lakh before shows were removed from the PVR-INOX chain in Hyderabad. Keeping these release issues aside, Nani, Vivek Athreya and the entire team are confident that the film will move in the right direction. Saripodha Sanivaram is said to be the costliest project of Nani's career, and we have to see if it manages to surpass the actor's biggest hit, Dussehra collections.
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