Splatoon 3 Grand Festival Splatfest Results

Splatoon 3 Splatfest Grand Festival Results - Past Present Future

Splatoon 3 recently concluded its massive Grand Festival, which is likely its final Splatfest, and we have the results of the Past vs. Present vs. Future event. Nintendo asked which of these was most important to players.

As per the halftime report, Team Past was in a slight lead with 35.12 percent. Team Present was in second place with 33.33 percent, followed by Team Future with 31.55 percent.

Below are the full results for the Grand Festival Splatfest in Splatoon 3:

Splatoon 3 Splatfest 19 results Past Present Future 1Splatoon 3 Splatfest 19 results Past Present Future 1

In the end, Team Past, represented by the Squid Sisters, won with 500 points. Team Present came pretty close with 370 points, but unfortunately Team Future missed out on some points.

Here is a detailed account of what happened next:

Splatoon 3 – Grand Festival Results – Past vs. Present vs. Future

Final result

  • Team Past: 500p
  • Team Present: 370p
  • Team Future: 0p

sneak peek

  • Team Past: 33.42%
  • Team Attendance: 33.93%
  • Team Future: 32.65%


  • Team Past: 24.75%
  • Team Attendance: 57.36%
  • Team Future: 17.89%

Klout (Open)

  • Team Past: 34.87%
  • Team Attendance: 33.57%
  • Team Future: 31.56%

Klout (Pro)

  • Team's past performance: 36.29%
  • Team Attendance: 32.83%
  • Team Future: 30.88%

Clout (Tricolour War)

  • Team's past performance: 35.43%
  • Team Attendance: 33.54%
  • Team Future: 31.03%

It will be interesting to see what happens with Splatoon going forward, and if the results of this Splatfest will affect the next game's campaign. Whatever happens, Splatfest should make a grand return in Splatoon 4 – possibly on Switch 2.

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