Brucella canis is a bacterial disease that is incurable in dogs and causes infertility, mobility problems and fatigue in dogs. Recently this disease was in the news after infecting humans in Britain. While it causes mild symptoms like fever, loss of appetite, headache, fatigue, etc. in humans, it can be severe in dogs. Bacterial infections can be difficult to treat because the virus persists in the body and although symptoms can be managed, it is usually not possible to completely eliminate the bacteria from the system. Brucella canis mostly affects the reproductive and lymphatic systems of dogs. Fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and loss of desire to exercise or play are common symptoms. (Also read: Dog bite prevention: How to understand dog body language and recognize early signs of aggression)
Dr. Shantanu says, “Brucella canis, a bacterial infection that infects dogs, is not widely known, but its impact on dog health should not be underestimated. This mysterious disease can cause a variety of symptoms. “, making dog owners worried about their beloved pets.” Kalambi, Chief Veterinary Officer, Supertails.
Let’s understand the symptoms, causes and possible treatments from Dr. Kalambi to shed light on this often overlooked health issue for dogs.
In dogs, symptoms of Brucella canis infection can vary widely, making diagnosis challenging. Fatigue, swollen lymph nodes and a desire to exercise or play are all common symptoms. Infected female dogs may experience pregnancy complications such as infertility, sudden abortion, and stillbirth. Testicular infections and abscesses can occur in male dogs. It is important to remember that some sick dogs may not exhibit any observable symptoms, which complicates diagnosis.
Brucella canis is caused by the bacterium Brucella canis and mostly affects the reproductive and lymphatic systems of dogs. The most common way HPV is transmitted is through contact with infected bodily fluids such as urine, saliva, or reproductive secretions. The disease can spread between dogs through breeding or contact with contaminated objects or surfaces. Because of its tendency to live in the body for long periods of time without showing clinical symptoms, Brucella canis is a major threat in breeding facilities, shelters, and multi-dog households.
Because of the tendency for the infection to persist in the body, Brucella canis can be difficult to treat in dogs. Veterinarians routinely prescribe a combination of medications to manage symptoms and reduce the bacterial load. On the other hand, complete bacterial eradication is uncommon. Management strategies include isolating sick dogs to prevent transmission and regularly checking their health. Spaying or neutering sick dogs can also help prevent disease. Adherence to veterinary standards and prompt action are essential in the treatment of Brucella canis.
“Although Brucella canis is not as well known as some other canine infections, it has a significant impact on the health and breeding programs of dogs. Dog owners and breeders should be regularly monitored for signs and risks of Brucella canis transmission and Early detection, adequate veterinary care, and safe breeding procedures are important to minimize the impact of this bacterial infection in the dog population. By being alert and vigilant, we can better protect our four-legged friends from this little-known health risk. Can save,” Dr Kalambi concluded.