With the introduction of WhatsApp, communicating with your lover has been made easy and efficient especially with its friendly tools that indicate when someone is online, typing, Recording voice notes, offline and online too.
However, the app is blamed for many breakups and is one of the many reasons why girls start hiding their 'last seen' to keep their boyfriends away. who behave like investigating officers.
Why do women hide their 'last seen' on WhatsApp? Here are some reasons.
1. Seeking attention.
Some women will hide their last time to compare message rates when no one knows they are online, this will help them determine real friends who are always there despite the signs that they are not online. Would like to connect with him.
2. You are not interested in chats.
When you bore your girlfriend, she will stop looking at her for the last time so that you lose interest in texting her.
3. Cheating made easy.
When your girlfriend last hid her, you probably won't be able to sort out when she was last on the app.
Even when you text her and she ignores your message, you don't mind thinking she wasn't online. This provides a good opportunity for cheating.